ATTCH Trauma Integration Training & Certification Training Program
If you are ready to take your trauma skills to the next level or if you are seeking effective interventions to add to trauma informed awareness this training is for you. All too often systems treat the smoke (symptoms) rather than the fire (underlying issues). ITATM treats the fire which then has a direct impact on the smoke. At ATTCH we have been training therapists worldwide in our effective and time efficient approach for the past 15 years with great success!
ATTCH is pleased to offer a Trauma Integration certification program to provide current, quality trauma and attachment training in Canada for individuals, clinicians, and organizations and trauma-integration training in our Integrative Trauma and Attachment Treatment Model (ITATM)® and Integrative Trauma and Attachment Treatment Model (ITATM-A) Adapted Non-Clinical Stream®. Our program is quite comprehensive and holistic in nature focusing on mind-body neuroscience and somatic approaches. We offer two certification streams which are symbiotic allowing for the potential to earn dual certifications. We also recognize that there are many people doing trauma integration and trauma processing work which is why we have two different streams to meet your unique professional development needs.
The Integrative Trauma and Attachment Treatment Model (ITATM) ® is an embodied model for reprocessing and reappraisal of the central details of trauma memories using a neurosequential approach layering somatic release, bilateral stimulation, visualization, resourcing and reframing in an integrative and structured manner to regulate the body, brain and mind simultaneously. This rich approach layers integrative techniques of bilateral stimulation, sensory processing, mindfulness, breath work, cognitive reframing, toning and vocalization, movement and somatic work, visualization, resource installation and parts integration work and has been used with great success in the treatment of complex trauma.
The Integrative Trauma Treatment Model (ITATM)® helps people to depotentiate trauma experiences and help people become embodied in a safe structured way. This training is open to coaches, counsellors and mental health professionals. In part 2 participants are trained to complete trauma processing using our highly effective Integrative Trauma and Attachment Treatment Model (ITATM) ®. If you are looking to expand your trauma treatment repertoire this is the right resource for you! Join us to learn how to help heal life’s hurts and hearts.
Therapists around the world are learning the efficacy and power of this treatment model - and one of the best features for clients is that they DON’T NEED TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED! We have actively been using this model at our 2 treatment centres (@ATTCH Niagara and @Lori_Gill_Psychotherapy) with great efficacy for treating complex trauma. It is a highly effective and accelerated treatment model for treating the underlying issues causing the pain, addiction, suicide ideation, high risk behaviour etc. Using the Integrative Trauma and Attachment Treatment Model (ITATM)® we observe statistically and clinically significant reductions in suicide ideation, tension reduction behaviours (self-harm, addictions, high risk behaviours), anger, depression, anxiety, and dissociation are observed with the use of our treatment approach. These are areas that often impact daily life skills, education, employment, the ability to remain regulated, maintaining safe housing, utilization of high risk and crisis services, etc.
If you are ready to become trauma-informed or enhance your trauma treatment this training will help you to learn an effective and efficient model for doing so. A wide variety of continuing education options are also available online and soon will be launched in a new platform ( Attachment and Trauma Treatment Centre for Healing (ATTCH) also offers custom trauma trainings and certification to meet your agency, community, or practice needs. Join us to learn leading edge approaches to treating complex trauma and promoting post-traumatic growth. Let’s work together to heal life’s hurts and hearts!
Lori is an engaging and sought after presenter and consultant offering trainings Internationally to help agencies and professionals become trauma-informed and learn how to deliver trauma-specific treatment. Our YouTube channel has lots of brief videos which provide an introduction to our lead trainer's presentation style:
Learn more about custom training and workshops here. We regularly facilitate a variety of training workshops including our Integrative Trauma and Attachment Treatment Model (ITATM) ®, Creating a Trauma-Informed Workplace; Trauma's Impact on Learning and Behaviours, Best Practice Approaches for Crisis Intervention in Schools; Trauma-Informed Schools; Healing the Helper: Compassion Fatigue Prevention and Intervention; Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention; Stress; Attachment and Conscious Parenting; Eating Disorders; and Creative Counselling Approaches. Lori is a certified trainer, consultant supervisor, and presenter for the National Institute for Trauma and Loss and provides the following training: Trauma and Addiction; Children of Trauma; Structured Sensory Interventions; Counselling at Risk Youth; and Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma. Allow us to create a custom training to meet the needs of your workplace, community event, or parent group.