This training provides an experiential overview of our 10-week attachment and trauma informed parenting program. This is a workshop for parent and caregivers focusing on learning the keys to forming a healthy attachment relationship with their child. Each session includes attachment enhancing activities, a psychoeducation component, self-reflection, and a take home activity. Through involvement with the program parents and caregivers will learn:
How to engage in conscious and brain based parenting.
How to create resiliency, empowerment, and healthy parent-child relationships.
How trauma impacts the brain, body, and behaviour.
How to regulate their child's behaviour using sensory strategies.
To consider how their attachment experiences have shaped your current relationships.
They will also be provided age specific strategies and resources to increase attachment and prevent melt-downs.
Through this training participants will gain an awareness of:
program format and structure
session focus areas
key considerations when delivering this program
anticipated benefits and outcome measures
how to organize and facilitate this program in their community or workplace
Participants will have the opportunity to facilitate a portion of the workshop as a part of this training. *A complete manualized program with powerpoint slides, presenter notes, and video training samples are also available for purchase once training has been completed to begin facilitating this program in your area.